Elsa models the Traffic Cone Bag in evening mode.
Elsa models the Traffic Cone Bag in evening mode.
Monument to short moguls w/tall trophy wives
Monument to short moguls w/tall trophy wives
Stunning architecture of P-town
Stunning architecture of P-town
More architecture
More architecture
View to the top of the Pilgrim Tower
View to the top of the Pilgrim Tower
Towns made their mark in the Pilgrim Tower
Towns made their mark in the Pilgrim Tower
110 steps to the top
110 steps to the top
View from the top of the tower
View from the top of the tower
Pilgrim town. Don't look down!
Pilgrim town. Don't look down!
Figurehead in the Pilgrim monument museum
Figurehead in the Pilgrim monument museum
Whale jawbone
Whale jawbone
Our view from Surfside hotel, P-town.
Our view from Surfside hotel, P-town.
History of P-town
History of P-town
Before SUV strollers with disc brakes ...
Before SUV strollers with disc brakes ...
Gay men have ALL the fun, don't they?
Gay men have ALL the fun, don't they?
Thank goodness for beach access.
Thank goodness for beach access.
Leo and Glen about to tackle Province Lands dunes.
Leo and Glen about to tackle Province Lands dunes.
It's actually a speed bum for bikes!
It's actually a speed bum for bikes!
Unique bike trail through Province Lands dunes.
Unique bike trail through Province Lands dunes.
It rained.
It rained.
Reward of icecream and soup at the Chocolate Swallow, Orleans.
Reward of icecream and soup at the Chocolate Swallow, Orleans.